Two extremes collide like 'Jekyll & Hyde' Virtues: bi-polar, psychoanalytics, real | Quote from The Roots Black Thought
In case you all don't know, Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a classic novel about a London lawyer who investigates strange occurrences between his old friend, Dr Henry Jekyll, and the misanthropic Edward Hyde. The work is known for its vivid portrayal of the psychopathology of a split personality; in mainstream culture the very phrase "Jekyll and Hyde" has come to signify wild or bipolar behaviour.
I think we all have a little bipolar tendencies in us; on any given day our mood can rise to an elated state all the way to deep depression. Differing variables such as friends, family, school, work can easily alter our mood. The clinical definition of being bipolar is having at least one manic (characterized by extremely elevated mood, energy, and unusual thought patterns) or mixed episode; which could include episodes of hypomania and major depression.
Based on the recording industry state, I bet more than 50% of rappers have some sort of bipolar in them. Its almost a criteria of a 'certified' rapper to be a bipolar because it displays their range of 'depth' in their content. From Kanye, Jay-Z, Eminem, Nas, Lil Wayne, and even 50 Cent, these artists have demonstrated that life isn't just about a 'party' and doing the latest dance; these are certified MC's because they can talk about their struggles and pain (depression), and then can be equally engaging in a feel-good song (hypomania). With the new generation of rappers, its kinda peculiar, but, they need to start being more bipolar - the people can not relate to a hypomania rapper all the time, because 9 times out of 10, the fan can not related to all the 'Ice', 'rims', and 'hoes' that the rapper is spitting about.
I hear people say that the old heads (veterans like Jay, Nas, Kanye) need to make way for the younger generation to get in the game; I agree, but based on what the younger generation is bringing out - hip-hop is in trouble. And maybe my beef should be more directed to media, as opposed to the rappers; because the media is only giving light and attention (in terms of new artists) to hypomania hip-hop artists like 'Soulja Boy', and other 'dance-pop' rappers. Great hip-hop still exists from the south, east, west, and north, but it remains in the underground - NOTE: where much greatness in any industry and/or art form exists.
Long live the bipolar rapper - it is they that give real music.
"I hear you be the block, but I'm the light that keep the streets on"
A Vacant Lot Case Study Virtues: Love, Lust, Emotion
Energy. Energy is the driving force that causes us to do what we do; whether it is striving to achieve our goals, drive, determination, we all have a source of energy that fuels us to achieve what we desire - whether it may be legal or illegal gratifications.
Now the source of one's energy may lie within themselves, but more times than not, that energy source is manifested or derived from a woman. I'm sure you have heard it before; 'behind every strong man, is a strong woman'; and I think for the most part, that is true. When a due is with a woman, and the relationship is good, positive, those qualities will usually be reflected in that dude's attitude.
I've seen dudes lose their hustle, drive, charisma as soon as something bad happened in their relationship with their woman; it was like when the woman left, she took their drive, soul, heart. I didnt understand it at first, but now I get it; women affect us greatly, and our the reasons (for the most part) to why we do what we do lies in the fact that we try to appease our women. Thus, it can be said that women are a driving force in our lives, and when that force is absent, then a void is left. And that void which represented a plethora of feelings of not only 'trying' to appease your women, but happiness, affection, respect, and emotions are now absent -- and more times than not, one can dwell on these lost cognitive feelings which would have a direct correlation on one's overall productivity.
I usually talk in the third person, but even I -- yes I, have been a victim of this effect, but the key is to not let it affect you too long, because as we all should know, energy can not be destroyed -- it is always transformed into another form.
"I'm out for Dead Presidents to represent me'' A case study virutes: hustle, money, respect
An ode to the hustle. One's belief that, essentially individuality is lost when compared to the almighty dollar. Honor, pride, respect, perseverance & other related virtues that once defined a person's character is irrelevant. Sadly, I concur with this notion in respect that in Western culture, the amount of money one has speaks volumes. We are constantly defined by what we possess & what we wish to obtain - we frequently are able to gain insight of one's wealth by what car they drive, size of their house, and type of fashion attire. Thus, the faulty logical fallacy of appropriating money with personal character ensues - which creates a behavioral of 'financial equality'.
Financial equality (term I made up) is one's belief that they can only engage in meaningful dialogue with someone that is equal to them, financially speaking. In laments terms, a 'snob' of some sorts. Unfortunately, I think that a lot of people adopt this shrewd mentality; which is especially prevalent amongst the rich & those that have power (i.e. 'Movers & Shakers').
Thus, I understand where Nas is coming from with this line -- it is only fitting to be seen as one that has Dead President's in order to be taken seriously.
The problem here is obvious, but the problem does not lie with the stimulus (money), but our conditioned response to it.
"A wise man told me not to argue with fools, because people from a distance can't tell who is who."
"A wise man told me not to argue with fools, because people from a distance can't tell who is who." -- Jay-Z , case study from
This quote is one of my favorite quotes as I feel that it speaks truth; so many people like to argue with non-sensical logic -- it is almost baffling at times. Actually, this quote is derived from an 18th century english proverb, but has a timeless essence because 'fools' will always exist. Foolish logic has many traits, but most notably when one encounters someone who is foolish, the following characteristics will become apparent: - Unwilling/Unreceptive to differing ideas; inability to compromise - Argumentum ad hominem: does not stick to the argument, goes off topic - Talks loud and uses vulgar language - Circular argumentation: goes around in circles; does not stick to the argument. - Stubborn attitude
Dialogue with people of this nature will not solve an issue, but rather it might make the situation worse; as both individuals will look 'foolish'. Nothing can amount to nothing, and engaging with a fool will yield the same.
Misconception A common misconception of 'fools' are those individuals that may come from a poor background - to be foolish does not necessarily derive from one's socio-economic status. But more so, 'fools' manipulate the world around them by assinine behavior to satisfy their appetitie.
Conclusion In the end, this maxim suggests that nothing can be accomplished when arguing with a fool -- except that one is deemed a fool also, for trying to intellectually engaging a fool.
"So I don't give a f*** what none of y'all n*** say; Cause anything that can't penetrate ricochets"
"So I don't give a f*** what none of y'all n*** say; Cause anything that can't penetrate ricochets" -- Canibus 'How We Roll', 1998, a case study from Intelli-Hip Hop
Self-esteem is a pertinent issue that affects all of us from childhood to adulthood. In childhood, our self-esteem is exposed to several 'tests' that either create a positive or negative self-esteem. Of course social, psychological, and environmental factors will all dictate how one responds to these 'tests'. However, this proverbial wisdom quote refers to the 'diss' approach of self-esteem; that is discrediting a person's character with insults that may be true or untrue. It is also worthy to note that these acts of discrediting is usually done directly and with a malicious nature (intent to afflict emo-pain).
Thus, this quote implies that one has a positive (high) self-esteem which translates into any attempts to lower their self-esteem is repelled. To attain this, one is confident in themselves; which may be also a sign that one only tries to lower another's self-esteem because their self-esteem is also low - bringing one down may bring another up. Such individuals can be labelled shallow and transparent: which may explain why this quote suggests that insults are ricocheted back to the sender when one is mentally deep and understands their psyche.
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