" We can take it to the gloves and I can show you the hand speed"
"We can take it to the gloves and I can show you the hand speed"
Virtures: Fighting, Extreme Sport, Ignorance, Resolution
Vacant Lot Case Study
When all else fails in disputes, arguments, logic, sometimes the only way to resolve a problem is thru physical means. This quote suggests that an exchange of 'hand speed' or fist-fighting, scrapping, or whatever regional slang is used for fighting, is a viable way of settling disputes. From young to old, I'm sure we all have encountered those ignorant people that just push, and push you to test your 'gangster'; and unfortunately, they do not respond to logic, but they respond to acts of force.
This brings up an interesting topic of the whole ultimate fighting phenomenon. 'Extreme Fighting' is not anything really new; its been on pay per view since the late 80's, but it was always extremely barbaric with practically no rules; there was a referee, but the fighters could practically do anything they wanted to each other. It did have a following, but didn't garner huge success and was known as a violent sport. However, in the last 6 years or so, extreme fighting has been revamped with an almost 'ingenious' concept – rules. Solid rules, such as a restriction on the types of holds, grabbing, etc. Apparently the application and enforcement of rules was the key factor for the growth and acceptability of extreme fighting to be a viable sport. Extreme fighting has gain massive exposure, cable T.V. production deals, video games, reality shows, and of course more pay-per-view events.
Any type of fighting is usually negative and hurtful (to the party that gets clapped-up), but it usually brings about a release of frustration and anger that will resolve a situation – however, in the street it may do more harm than good (the 'payback' effect). So think carefully, and remember that when your watching and mimicking all of the UFC-ish, they're ain't usually anyone acting as a 'referee' in those streets; its every man for himself at ALL costs – the essence of barbarism, the same essence that was hampering Extreme fighting's progression.
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Labels: boxing, respect, sports, strength, ufc, ultimate fighting
Like short sleeves, I bear arms
"Like short sleeves, I bear arms."
Virtues: self-confidence, strength, assertiveness
This classic Jay-Z line implies to others that one should not be messed with. When people want to start trouble, they are more likely to pick on or be aggressive with those that they feel are weak; those that exude a ‘soft’ persona or passive behavior. For example in a High School setting, bullies will always try to pick on the weak-looking individuals (nerds, geeks, loners, etc.). However, if one shows what they are ‘working with’ whether it be physical strength/abilities, or lethal weapons, then the probability for anyone trying to mess with you decreases. For many aggressors do not necessarily want to encounter a difficult experience; meaning they do not want to try to attack someone, and risk getting beat the f*ck up … that would just be embarrassing.
Elaborating now, i’m trying to refer this quote in a physical sense; ‘bearing your arms’ muscle strength or lethal weapons, however, bearing your arms could also imply a sort of mental constructs that can be used to repel any aggression. At times if we can mentally outsmart or outwit an adversary, it can do more damage than any physical blow; for mental feats can affect one’s emotions and behaviors, which carry far more ramifications than physical interactions. The mind can be a very powerful tool, and when used appropriately, can be very influential not only one’s self, but onto others.
So ‘bear arms’; whether it be physical or mental – I guess the point is, don’t let people f*ck with you, for if they do, blow them away, mentally or physically.
.::Hip-Hop Quotes & Wisdom:
Labels: respect, strength
"So I don't give a f*** what none of y'all n*** say; Cause anything that can't penetrate ricochets"
"So I don't give a f*** what none of y'all n*** say; Cause anything that can't penetrate ricochets"
-- Canibus 'How We Roll', 1998, a case study from www.vacantlot.org Intelli-Hip Hop
Self-esteem is a pertinent issue that affects all of us from childhood to adulthood. In childhood, our self-esteem is exposed to several 'tests' that either create a positive or negative self-esteem. Of course social, psychological, and environmental factors will all dictate how one responds to these 'tests'. However, this proverbial wisdom quote refers to the 'diss' approach of self-esteem; that is discrediting a person's character with insults that may be true or untrue. It is also worthy to note that these acts of discrediting is usually done directly and with a malicious nature (intent to afflict emo-pain).
Thus, this quote implies that one has a positive (high) self-esteem which translates into any attempts to lower their self-esteem is repelled. To attain this, one is confident in themselves; which may be also a sign that one only tries to lower another's self-esteem because their self-esteem is also low - bringing one down may bring another up. Such individuals can be labelled shallow and transparent: which may explain why this quote suggests that insults are ricocheted back to the sender when one is mentally deep and understands their psyche.
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An in-depth look at the quotes that affect our lives
Labels: hip-hop, honor, strength