"I hear you be the block, but I'm the light that keep the streets on"
A Vacant Lot Case Study
Virtues: Love, Lust, Emotion
Energy. Energy is the driving force that causes us to do what we do; whether it is striving to achieve our goals, drive, determination, we all have a source of energy that fuels us to achieve what we desire - whether it may be legal or illegal gratifications.
Now the source of one's energy may lie within themselves, but more times than not, that energy source is manifested or derived from a woman. I'm sure you have heard it before; 'behind every strong man, is a strong woman'; and I think for the most part, that is true. When a due is with a woman, and the relationship is good, positive, those qualities will usually be reflected in that dude's attitude.
I've seen dudes lose their hustle, drive, charisma as soon as something bad happened in their relationship with their woman; it was like when the woman left, she took their drive, soul, heart. I didnt understand it at first, but now I get it; women affect us greatly, and our the reasons (for the most part) to why we do what we do lies in the fact that we try to appease our women. Thus, it can be said that women are a driving force in our lives, and when that force is absent, then a void is left. And that void which represented a plethora of feelings of not only 'trying' to appease your women, but happiness, affection, respect, and emotions are now absent -- and more times than not, one can dwell on these lost cognitive feelings which would have a direct correlation on one's overall productivity.
I usually talk in the third person, but even I -- yes I, have been a victim of this effect, but the key is to not let it affect you too long, because as we all should know, energy can not be destroyed -- it is always transformed into another form.
You have to change-up the form!
Labels: beyonce, dream girl, girl, hip-hop, lady, strong woman, wisdom