Case Studies An in-depth analysis of a hip-hop quote that can be applied to social-economic contexts
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
"I ain't talking Mickey D's, but I got a Big Mac"
"I'm not Mickey D's, but I got a Big Mac" From Remy Martin "Throw Some D's" (2007)Virtues: Reputation, Fitness, Force, Discipline
Obviously I know that this quote does not refer to fast food, but it was the only quote in the vacant lot database that deals with food/dieting.
We all know that fast-food is high in fats, cholesterol, and calories. From McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, these fast-food chains offer delicious types of foods that may taste good, but are grossly high in fat and cholesterol. Now I know that the argument has been said countless times; fast-food causes obesity add in the fact that fast food is considerably cheaper than other food options (salads). Most would say that reducing or eliminating your fast food consumption will cause you to lose weight - that act will help in the process, but will not be the sole factor for losing weight. Many think that changing up their diet will automatically make them lose weight. Exercise and fitness is the key to any weight loss, combined with an improved diet that includes nutritional foods.
And all of those diet pills, drinks, supplements are really not good for you; they only will work if you also exercise as the goal of supplements is to mimic the suppression of the appetite by increasing the metabolism of the immune system or by blocking fat absorption in certain cells; this is problematic as side effects of such diet drug use include high blood pressure, palpitations, drug addiction, agitation, and insomnia.
So the point is I guess, we all can not still eat the Big Mac with fries every once in awhile, but you also got to hit that gym, basement, or jog the blocks - whatever it is, do something that requires fitness. Now some alarming statistics:
Q: How many adults age 20 and older are overweight (BMI > 25)?
A: About one-third of U.S. adults are overweight.[6] All adults: 68.5 million (34.1 percent) Women: 57.5 million (28.6 percent) Men: 79.8 million (39.7 percent)
Q: How many adults age 20 and older are obese (BMI > 30)? A: Nearly one-third of U.S. adults are obese.[6] All adults: 64.7 million (32.2 percent) Women: 34.6 million (33.2 percent) Men: 30.1 million (31.1 percent)
Q: What is the cost of overweight and obesity? A: Total Cost: $117 billion Direct Cost: $61 billion* Indirect Cost: $56 billion
Q: What is the prevalence of overweight or obesity in minorities? A: The age-adjusted prevalence of overweight or obesity (BMI > 25) in racial/ethnic minorities—especially minority women—is generally higher than in whites in the United States.[6] Non-Hispanic Black Women: 81.6 percent Mexican-American Women: 75.4 percent Non-Hispanic White Women: 58 percent Non-Hispanic Black Men: 69.1 percent Mexican-American Men: 76.1 percent Non-Hispanic White Men: 70.6 percent (Statistics are for populations age 20 and older.)
Q: What is the cost of physical inactivity? A: The direct cost of physical inactivity may be as high as $24.3 billion.[23]
"The team has a beef between the post and the point, this puts the ring in jeopardy"
"The team has a beef between the post and the point, this puts the ring in jeopardy" Virtues: Team work, self-actualization, commitment, self
I gather that this quote relates to the concept of team dynamics, more than Jay-z's attempt to try to explain why the Roc broke up. This quote refers to basketball fundamentals and how it relates in group functioning. From my understanding of basketball, the point guard is known as the 'leader' as they call shots and run plays for the rest of the team to execute; furthermore, the point guard is known as the 'go to guy' when the team needs to score. In contrast, the post player is reserved as a power player that is known to deliver strength and power when needed, but is usually known as a contributory/secondary player. Thus, one can imagine the friction and tension that can arise when the post player starts to call the shots and tries to take a leadership role from the point guard.
Thus, it can say that team dynamics can be threatened by egos and role identity. For a team/group to be successful, all of the components that make up that team must be 'on the same page', firing on all cylinders. Unified. The team must be able to absorb the idea of 'collectivism' instead of 'individualism'. However, I'm afraid that in Western society, collectivism rarely works. We are very absorbed in ourselves and in our own individual goals (which is not necessarily bad, depending on the situation). Its natural for us to want to excel until we reach a state of 'self-actualization' - a state of realizing our true potential. But I believe problems arise when our self-actualization manifests into a cocky/deceitful attitude - by overthrowing our undermining those that helped you reach your self-actualization.
To all you MySpace Music Groups Taking a look at high profile examples, it seems that it is natural for us to start off as a group, but the group can not last for too long - as egos grow, group cohesiveness gets weaker and weaker over time. From the Beatles, Jackson 5, Fugees, various boy bands, Cash Money, No Limit - the team dynamics of a group must be strong for any sort of longevity. On a daily basis I get mail from various groups on MySpace promoting their clique and music, and I wonder if these groups will have any longevity. Yeah, its easy to come together and unite when you have no money, but what happens when the group gets a little bit of success? The point guard can't run a team when the post & forward are only concerned about their individual numbers as opposed to actually winning the game ... and I think a lot of you groups out there are going to have trouble – unless your group has some compromising and rational individuals … which is a rarity, not only in music groups, but in life in general.
So if your in a group, duo or band, it is interesting to note that your role in the collective is to attribute not only to the 'greater good' of the group, but to also develop your own individual skills and develop your own character and personality. And once you reach this personal stage, one has to figure out if they want to keep playing the supporting role on the team or run the point guard position on a new team.
"Throw Some D's or some Condo's???" Virtues: Social Environment, Decay, Ignorance, Supply n Demand From: Rich Boy "Throw Some D's" (2006)
We all have heard the song. Catchy beat. Good hook. Questionable Content. Somewhat creative video. Another hit from the South. I guess the rain ain't over.
However, my main issue though (as w/ most of my issues) is with the lyrical content. I guess I have become de-synthesized to 'crack/drug' talks; so much so that I don't have a problem w/ that aspect of the song. However, I think that a HUGE logical error exists in this song."Rich Boy selling crack / You already Know That / Just bought a Cadillac / Put some D's on that Bitch" .To summarise, Rich Boy is taking his Crack money to buy a Cadillac, soon to be pimped out. This is the logic: take your crack money that you earned on the hard blocks & buy items that will only depreciate in value.
We need to wake the F--- Up!
I'm not promoting illegal activities, but if you are going to do it, take the money you earn and INVEST. I would love to see the day when your Neighborhood Pusha owns several condos & other real estate or has a sick investment portfolio. No matter how you hustle for your dollars - make it grow, invest, own property. Make your money meaningful, because having your whip pimped-out only shows that you know how to spend money, frivolously. And on a side note; many young people don't even know what mutual funds, GIC's, bonds, and other investment vehicles are. Ask us about 'savings' and the concept is almost like our very own kryptonite; are only focus is on spending, and spending big. How many people do we know that have spent entire paychecks at the club? And for what? Stunting? Negro please.
And to the drug hustlers, on a humanist & even cultural level, you are already engaged in a detrimental system (providing Supply) that decays your environment (socially, economically). Do something that is noble and invest money back into your community ..... it sounds twisted, but it would almost be kinda 'giving back' to the community.
I realise that I am describing money laundering (but, I'm not Promoting it … but it is a very interesting idea, I think).