"Call me 'Miami', because this is where the Heat's @"
"Call me 'Miami', because this is where the Heat's @"
A witty and cocky assertion of one being 'hype' the 'ish', and other virtues of that sort. However, a question has to be asked, what does it take to be hot? Is it various physical characteristics? How much money one flashes? Material worth? Or could it be, possibly, just maybe, come down to the individual -- their style, charisma, behavior, attitude, and intellect?
I know growing up, the 'hottest' people fell into the following categories:
Thugs - they had the 'bad boy' appeal so naturally the girls fell for them
The Athlete - they had the attention of everyone because of their performance on the field/court
The Desired - They had natural good looks and was the beauty that everyone wanted or to 'get with'
Style Peeps - Had the latest fashion wears and kicked the newest lingo and trends.
No matter what category one falls into, the main thing about being 'hot' is attracting attention. For some reason, man has a desire to be coveted for their actions and behavior. Western society is built upon the ideals of individualism; saying "look at me", "see what I can do", "I did this". Myspace.com and other social networking sites and even blogs are an extension of individualism; everyone is promoting themselves, and telling the world how 'cool' they are. Which in hindsight is not necessarily a negative thing, but the question becomes whether such a society filled with individualistic behavior can work collectively towards a common goal. Which ironically, was the intention of the Internet when it was first developed by the U.S. Defense Department and Universities: to allow people to collaborate on projects and share information.
In summation, I want you all to look at me, and see what I am doing, look at my posts, dive deep into my thoughts, question my logic, because in the end, I yearn for attention too .... but, does that make me hot?
-- chew on that.