"If your a scared mutha**** go to Church"
"If your a scared mutha**** go to Church"
A Vacant Lot Case Study
Virtues: fear, religion, self-confidence
l first laughed when I even considered adding this as a quote, but its simplicity, and its meaning is very rich. Now coming from West Coast gangster staples such as Snoop Dogg & Ice Cube, one may draw the conclusion that this quote is for some gangster-esque connotation, perhaps. But a further analysis would show that this piece of wisdom can be applied for any & everything.
What Cube is trying to convey is the concept of fear. I guess the best way to describe fear is to associate it with a set of feelings & emotions that cause one to avoid engaging certain types of stimulus. When one fears something, the most likely response is either fight or flight. The fight response confronts the stimulus and attempts to subdue it. The flight response involves either escaping and/or avoiding interactions with such a stimulus. The action of ‘escaping’ and ‘avoiding’ can be appropriated to ‘fear’.
Thus, if one has fear, a possible remedy that one can take to overcome it is by placing one’s soul within a religion/church for guidance. The Church is an ideal solution for one who is ‘scared’; as the belief in the Church and its doctrine should provide one with solutions (of course which fall under their doctrine).
So if you don’t have the heart or courage for something, maybe its time you walk through those holy doors and find yourself, find courage. As we know that ‘fear’ is mostly in our minds and is a mental barrier that we must jump in order to be free.
.:: More knowledge at www.vacantlot.org